E-learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. The information and communication systems, whether networked learning or not, serve as specific media to implement the learning process. The term will still most likely be utilized to reference out-of-classroom and in-classroom educational experiences via technology, even as advances continue in regard to devices and curriculum.
E-learning is essentially the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual education opportunities and digital collaboration. Content is delivered via the Internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV, and CD-ROM. It can be self-paced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of text, image, animation, streaming video and audio.
Abbreviations like CBT (Computer-Based Training), IBT (Internet-Based Training) or WBT (Web-Based Training) have been used as synonyms to e-learning. Today one can still find these terms being used, along with variations of e-learning such as elearning, Elearning, and eLearning. The terms will be utilized throughout this article to indicate their validity the broader terminology of E-learning. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-learning) A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu área de interés. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces. agrega las abreviaciones.
Training (n): Capacitación
Throughout (adv): Totalmente
Specific (adj): Específico
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
E-learning es una herramienta que se utiliza para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza a través de la red o no, es decir a distancia o presencial, sirviendo como medios de comunicación para ser implementado en el proceso de enseñanza.
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
- Palabras de contenido: computer, devices
- Palabras de Función: to, in
- Verbos: comprises, include, transfer
- Adverbio: essentially, even, still
- Adjetivo: digital, specific
- Artículo: the,
- Preposiciones: under, of
- Conjunción: and, or
- Cognados verdaderos: computer, system
- cognados Falsos: electronically,
- Sufijo: implement, enable, educational,
- Prefijos: likely, validity
B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
· Selecciona 2 oraciones completas de tu texto (las oraciones deben ir de punto a punto.. asegurate que no tienen comas)
1) A videoconference is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously. It has also been called 'visual collaboration' and is a type of groupware.
Oracion 1: A videoconference is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously.
· Frase nominal: A videoconference
· Nucleo de la frase nominal: videoconference
· Pre modificadores: A
· Post modificadores no presenta
· Frase verbal: is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously
· Nucleo de la frase verbal: is · Tiempo verbal: Presente
2) Educational informatics research is an interdisciplinary field given recent impetus by rapid developments in the use of the Internet as both an information environment and an environment for learning and teaching. It has two main areas of concern: first, to understand the effects on people of using digital information resources, services, systems, environments and communications media for learning and education; second, to contribute to the development of practical knowledge of relevance to diverse forms of learning/education using information and communication technology (ICT) and digital resources. It is a growing area of research activity within the School.
· Oracion 2: Educational informatics research is an interdisciplinary field given recent impetus by rapid developments in the use of the Internet as both an information environment and an environment for learning and teaching
Frase nominal: Educational informatics research
Nucleo de la frase nominal: informatics
Pre modificadores: Educational
Post modificadores: research
Frase verbal: is an interdisciplinary field given recent impetus by rapid developments in the use of the Internet as both an information environment and an environment for learning and teaching
Nucleo de la frase verbal: is
Tiempo verbal: Presente
C. Técnicas de lectura: predicción, scanning y skimming
This is a hotly debated topic with many people arguing computer technology is incredibly important in education while others claim it is a distraction and actually prevents students from thinking for themselves.
Ultimately I believe that education must prepare young people for the real world - and computer technology is an important element of life after school. It is all very well being an algebra whizz - but if you cannot operate a computer very well or pick up new technology, then you may struggle when it comes to getting a job.
These days computers have dictionaries, journals and encyclopaedias as well as other great resources and programmes to aid education.
De acuerdo al título y la imagen:
1.- ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Sobre la importancia que tiene la informática en la educación, ya que es un tema muy debatido, y es un elemento importante para preparación de los jóvenes en la vida después de la escuela.
2.- ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
Incluir la informática a la educación
3.- ¿Que palabras se repiten?
Is, a, education, technology, computer,
4.- ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Dictionaries, encyclopaedias, important, element, education
5.- ¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
No aparecen
¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
En el primer párrafo del texto trata de cómo la informática es un tema que se debate por mucha gente, siendo que es importante en la educación, y que es un tema controversial.
El último párrafo trata de los programas, accesorios y todos los beneficios que tienen la computadora.
Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo
A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia. Lea el texto y extraiga:
A webquest is an assignment which asks students to use the World Wide Web to learn about and/or synthesize their knowledge a specific topic. A “true” webquest, as originally designed by Bernie Dodge and Tom March, requires synthesis of the new knowledge by accomplishing a “task,” often to solve a hypothetical problem or address a real-world issue. Simpler web activities designed for students to investigate and collect new knowledge from web-based sources can also be a more engaging and effective replacement for read-the-chapter-and-complete-the-review-questions. This tutorial will walk you through the basics to create a simple or more elaborate activity.
Las definiciones
A webquest is an assignment which asks students to use the World Wide Web to learn about and/or synthesize their knowledge a specific topic.
marcadores de definición: is, use, can, also, be
B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia
The History of Distance Education |
Understanding the history of distance education is valuable in that it shows there was more than one historical path to distance education and that the evolution of distance education has not been easy. Many of the same problems facing implementation and acceptance of educational innovations today have been faced by distance education throughout its history. The history of distance education could be tracked back to the early 1700s in the form of correspondence education, but technology-based distance education might be best linked to the introduction of audiovisual devices into the schools in the early 1900s. The first catalog of instruction films appeared in 1910 (Reiser, 1987) and in 1913, Thomas Edison proclaimed that, due to the invention of film, "Our school system will be completely changed in the next ten years" (Saettler, 1968, p. 68). This dramatic change didn't occur, but instructional media were introduced into many extension programs by 1920 in the form of slides and motion pictures just as they were in the classroom. |
y extraiga las palabras de secuencia u Ordenamiento del tiempo:
1.- The history of distance education could be tracked back to the early 1700s
2.- This dramatic change didn't occur, but instructional media were introduced into many extension programs by 1920 in the form of slides and motion pictures just as they were in the classroom
Marcadores de Tiempo: 1700, 1920
Idea general del párrafo:
Trata del inicio de la educación a distancia basado en el uso de la tecnología.